For info on upcoming clinics and events, please contact or call 716-474-7580. Thank you!

Upcoming Clinics:

5-star Parelli Instructor Tina Giordano returns by popular demand for a 3-day clinic. Join us for any day or all days! September 6, 7 & 8th, 2024.

Examples from our past schedules…

  • 3-star Parelli Instructor and Gaited Horse Specialist Jenny Trainor returned by popular demand in 2022 and 2024
  • Driving Naturally with Nate Bowers
  • Developing youngsters, riding mules, and working toward Level 4
  • John & Kathy Baar developing our youngsters and teaching freestyle, online and liberty
  • Photonic Light Clinic.   Participants got licensed in this modality combining red light, acupressure, and bodywork
  • Carol Coppinger Level 4 Camp, Ft. McDowell, AZ
  • Game of Contact with Lyndsey,  Ft. McDowell, AZ
  • Parelli Driving Clinic with Nate Bowers, Ellicottville, NY
  • Parelli Play Day with Mollie Vacco, Ellicottville, NY
  • Parelli Summit in Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Amazing Equine Photography Opportunity:

We are thrilled to be one of the locations featured in world-famous wildlife photographer Doug Hansgate’s Equine Photography Workshop in October! Sept. 25 & 26, 2020. We will be providing some scenic equine opportunities for the photographers, as well as sharing a bit of the Parelli philosophy on equine psychology.

Learn more and sign up directly on Doug Hansgate’s web site:

4* Parelli Professional Tina Giordano coaching a student

4* Parelli Professional, Tina Giordano, coaching a student

Black Horse Mosey

Black Horse Mosey waiting to see what is next.

Lori NY Clinic

Trail riding during a clinic at the NY Ranch